Virtual Conference Engagement Ideas Guaranteed to Make You Shine

Top Virtual Conference Engagement Ideas

We’ve been quarantined and if you’re like me then you’ve already reached the bottom pits of Netflix (sorry Netflix I’m still here). But because content seems to be lackluster doesn’t mean there isn’t new content to be made – you can make it! Have you seen the plethora of TikTok videos? With this down time, your business has the chance to really engage your audience with their undivided attention. Try these 5 virtual conference engagement ideas and you will never lose touch.

1. Create an Educational On-line Workshop

During the past few weeks, we’ve seen a lot of webinars come out for free. For example, the British Interplanetary Society offers an Astronaut Webinar. While you don’t have to offer SPACE to your audience, why not put together a nice lecture with an invited guest or thought leader. You can also pack a nice live Q&A into your presentation, to really great people involved. Or, you could try a reddit AMA to get the public to ask you questions. Check-out Meetingscouts Tips for a Great Conference Call to keep things running smoothly.

2. Set-up a Virtual Discussion Board

Slack virtual conference

A site like Slack is a great way to keep the conversation going, even with everyone at home! You can use Hashtags to chat about specific topics in real time. It (almost) feels like you’re meeting each other in person. Additionally, we’ve seen communities across the world creating virtual boards to share news about their cities and information regarding local businesses via a community Slack Board.

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