6 Reasons to Attend a Conference Right Now

With a schedule stacked with meetings, overtime and family obligations, finding the reasons to attend a conference can seem impossible. A weekend in your PJ’s does seem like the perfect way to wind down, doesn’t it?


In reality, if you’re missing out on a conference, you’re missing out on more than just company swag and more meetings! Conferences are a unique source of knowledge and life experiences that cannot be replaced. We’ve combined 6 reasons to attend a conference right now instead of skipping out for a weekend with Ben & Jerry.

1. Network more easily

As one of the more daunting tasks, networking can seem like a dodgy game of “someone talk to me please.” But a conference is a perfect place to practice and nail your networking skills. Even though establishing contact is much easier thanks to the internet, non-verbal cues like body language and facial expressions are lost. And could be limiting your networking possibilities.


According to statistics conducted by the Virgin Group, 85% of jobs are a result of networking, and 72% admitted their first impressions are affected by someone’s appearance and handshake. That’s a lot of business and impressions handled in person!


Conferences allow you to meet like-minded individuals, interact with people whose ideas you admire, and subsequently increase your network through positive first impressions.

2. Gain a new perspective

Learn something new! Conferences provide education via workshops, lectures, or hands-on demonstrations. Gain a new perspective by attending a seminar you wouldn’t normally go to. People are conditioned by their circumstances. Who you are, where you live, and your regular interactions shape the way you approach your interests. The sharing of new ideas and cutting-edge possibilities will foster a thriving environment for new ideas and motivation to bloom. Use this to your benefit and grow intellectually and inter-personally!

3. Voice out your ideas and be seen

Reasons to attend a conference

Posting a Facebook blog, tagging an Instagram photo… all of these can seem like shouting to the void. But at a conference you’ll have a physical presence watching and learning.


If you have ideas, projects, or research you wish to discuss with peers, a conference is the perfect setting to share them. Most attendees are individuals interested in knowing about your thoughts and plans.


The discussions will enrich your projects, give you confidence about your own ideas, and help you gain notoriety in your preferred area. After regular attendance, your face will be easily identified.

4. Stay up to date

You’ve subscribed to every digital magazine and content available for your field of interest, you’ve followed all the top people in your niche on Twitter. Think your on the top of every trend? Because of the insane amount of data and content, you may be oversaturated.


The abundance of information makes it hard to distinguish what is essential from what isn’t, so the critical bits are often lost. Conferences filter this knowledge, ensuring you receive a rich and carefully selected content, delivered it simply and concisely.

5. Invest in yourself

Attending conferences takes time, money, and resources. If it’s taking place on the other side of the planet, it may seem like a logistical nightmare trying to attend.


The upside? It’s one of the most secure investments you can make.


There is basically no risk involved—you will get knowledge, resources, and contacts. It’s an experience where you will improve yourself regardless of the outcome. You are paying a small amount of money that will translate into enormous personal growth.

6. Enjoy a new experience

Conferences are bursting with excitement—new environments, new people, and new opportunities.


Breaking the routine and seeing what you love from a new angle will renew your passion for your interests, as well as enrich your experiences.

Are you going to miss out?

There are many more reasons to attend a conference but we hope these 6 reasons to attend a conference have convinced you that it’s time to sign up and dust off the ol’ business suit! And hey, conferences are far more than what happens inside! Meals, drinks, interactions, and unforgettable memories are waiting.


If you’re a meeting planner and looking for a hotel to host your next conference, Meetingscouts can help! Contact us today to get started.